“Siamo l’esperimento di controllo, il pianeta cui nessuno si è interessato, il luogo dove nessuno è mai intervenuto. Un mondo di calibratura decaduto. (…) La Terra è un argomento di lezione per gli apprendisti dei.” Carl Sagan

Archivio per ottobre, 2017

Prove generali della Singolarità…?


AI VS Umani = 1 : 0. DeepMind AlphaGo beats Go world champion Lee Sedol two games in a row


AI VS AI 2.0 = 100 : 0.



Seam (The Dassani Brothers)

Se avete venti minuti liberi, godetevi quest’adrenalinico corto di fantascienza ambientato a Hong Kong e in Giordania… Probabile che vi ritroviate anche voi a incrociare le dita perché diventi una serie TV o un lungometraggio, come auspicano i due registi, i gemelli Elan e Rajeev Dassani.


heart1001 (e-motions & movies)

Seam Poster++

In the not-too-distant future, a tenuous peace between humans and remarkably humanlike “machines”—some don’t even know they’re not real—is tested when synthetics begin spontaneously exploding. A military-led search for these unwitting suicide bombers begins, sending a terrified machine woman and her human partner on the run.

Seam 6

Seam—named for a volatile border area sandwiched between the designated machine containment zone and the human world—borrows from some excellent inspirations, including Blade Runner. But the 20-minute short, made by twin brothers Rajeev and Elan Dassani, makes its mark with outstanding special effects and well-chosen location shooting. Though the film begins in sleek Hong Kong, its visual style is most unique when it contrasts the futuristic tech used by its characters with ancient settings, including a chase scene that winds through the narrow streets of Salt, Jordan. The climactic sequence takes place in Wadi Rum, the otherworldly desert last seen playing Jedha in Rogue…

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